I wonder
I wonder
I wonder,
I wonder about so many things that could come to my mind and my heart.
I wonder, what would happen, if this and that happen?
I wonder why this happen? I wonder why that happen?
I wonder what would have happened, if this happen, if that happen?
These are some of the things I was wondering about.
I wonder,
I wonder about so many things since I was just a kid.
I wonder because there are so many things could come to fill my little mind, and my little heart with wonder
I wonder
I wonder about this, I wonder about that.
I wonder about things I learned.
I wonder about people,
I wonder about my family, my friends, my relatives, and my neighbors,
I wonder about things I liked and things I loved
I wonder about things that I learned from family, from friends, from the community
I wonder about things I learned from school since I was sent to school
I sometimes wonder about so little details
My sense of wonder about the outside world began during my early childhood
As a child, I wonder about what is there out there far, far from my house, far from my neighbors?
I wonder about so many things coming to my mind every day.
I wonder about all my family, friends, relatives, and my neighbors
I wonder, and keep wondering
I wonder about some of the people who gave me attention and care for me
I wonder about people, what they do, and care about.
I wonder about stories I hear through tells, or stories I read from books.
I wonder about things I learned from school, from my surroundings
I wonder and wonder, always fascinated and hungry to learn more
That is why I became exceptionally good student throughout my entire elementary and junior high.
I wonder about so many things as a kid, especially about things that I learned when I was just a kid.
I wonder about things that created wonder in my mind and my heart.
I always wonder about the outside world, which is why I am not that kid who like to stay inside
I am that kid that like to go outside and play in all cost.
I am the one that like to go out, explore and wonder about things around my surrounding.
I wonder about the stories I heard as a kid, the interesting ones, and the scary ones
I wonder if those scary stories I was told was real?
I wonder about the things I heard about our surroundings,
I wonder about the forest, the rivers, the trees, the beautiful landscape, about the animals,
I wonder about so many things in the forest,
I wondered, and wondered before I embarked upon my own journey to explore about these things that filled my mind and my heart with wonder
I wonder about some of the exciting and wonderous things that captured my mind and my heart.
I wonder about some of the scariest thoughts came to my mind and my heart.
I wonder, and keep wondering
I remember going to the forest located in the outskirt of the town I grew up.
I remember going to this forest to explore with some exciting and wonderous thoughts
I remember the feeling of excitement I had as a kid, I remember the feelings, all the excitement, the wonder I had, I also remember the fearful thoughts I had because of the scary stories I heard.
I remember the thoughts and the questions I had in my mind, I remember the excitement, and the fear as well. I remember the feeling, it's so wonderful and exciting.
I wondered and wondered before I embarked this wonderful journey
I wondered about some many things as a kid, it was wonderful and memorable experience.
I wondered and wondered.
I wondered, and was thinking would happen when we move to another city from the small town we lived in?
I wondered about the people we will meet and the neighbors we will have?
I wondered about new friends I will meet.
I wondered about so many things.
I wonder about the new school I will go to, the teachers I will have.
I wonder about my friends
It was wonderful experience that allowed me to learn to wonder
I learned later that it provided me a perfect platform to wonder and keep wondering about so many things. It allowed to learn to wonder using some of the exciting, and wonderful things as well as some of the scariest thoughts come to mind.
I wondered,
I wondered about so many things in life after
I wonder about so many things as a teen-ager during my elementary and high school
I learned late that my sense of my wonder has shifted somehow.
I learned though I didn't lose all my sense of wonder, I learned the theme, and aspect of wonder has changed.
I wondered about grades I would get, the school-based activities I would involve because I was one of the most successful students during those school years.
I wondered about my schoolwork, I wonder about my friends, about my teachers, my family , and relatives
I wondered about what grade I would get, what could be my rank in my classes, in my school
I wondered about my friends, who like me, who I like, what games I enjoyed playing,
I wondered about so many things
I wonder, and keep wondering
There are so many things I wondered about as a young adult and a person after grown up.
I wonder by asking questions, what would happen if I do this, if I do that. If I try this, if I try that.
I wondered what would happen, if this and that happen?
I wonder asking question, Why?
I wonder and keep wondering all the question I have in my mind.
In most of my adult life, I wondered about so many things, often about things that challenged me.
I wondered about some though experiences, about some scarier thoughts,
I wondered about so many things during this time, I wondered about some though experiences, and some scary thoughts.
I wondered and asked some tough questions. I asked questions and find no answer at times.
I wondered, and kept wondering regardless
I wonder,
I wonder, and wonder.
I wonder why people would do terrible things. I wonder why all these sad things happen.
I wonder why people fight, mistreat each other, undermine each other when they know they could treat each other better, understand each other better, appreciate each other better
I wonder,
I wonder
I wonder, I wonder why people quarrel, undermine each other in life while they should sit down to talk, to discuss and plan together to solve some real-life issues.
I wonder why?
I wonder why people are not honest and be truthful?
I wondered and wondered about all the wrongs, why it happens.
I wondered thinking, what the world will look like if people treat each other with respect, with love,
I wondered, thinking what the world will look like if people treat each other better, support each other better?
I wonder,
Then some where I began wondering about some wonderful things,
I wondered to know what it means to hear about Jesus, who he is? why he came?
I began wondering about Jesus after I heard about him for the first time.
I wondered about what happened in the story, why he came, and why? without having an understanding and comprehension at the time.
I wondered and wondered.
I wonder?
I wonder why God chose this unique way to call me to himself.
I wondered why he called me, why he taught me the things he taught me?
I wonder why God allowed to you to pass in all the path you have passed.
I wonder why God made me to pass some path I would not choose to travel.
I wonder why God was silent when I passed throughout some tough and challenging situations?
I wonder,
I wonder why God allowed you to be born from a certain family, in a certain place, in a certain time?
I wonder why God allowed you to live in a certain place with a certain people, with a certain situation? I wonder,
I wondered why God allow troubles to come to my life. I wondered why God told me he would help me get over the tough situation I find myself in. I wondered why he guided me throughout the process and helped me to know what to do?
I wonder, I wonder.
There are so many things I wonder, still wonder about many things since it became a source of wonder
I wonder what it means when you see someone cry, pray for others in a pure heart
I wonder what it means when someone shows you, they love you without telling you anything
I wonder?
I wonder about some people that really like and love.
I wonder to know what their life is about, what they values, what they believe,
I wonder to know their desires, aspirations, and dreams? I wonder to know what their challenges are their fears.
I wonder,
I wonder about so many things,
I wonder, and keep wondering using my faith, my knowledge and imagination
My wonder turned to my own wonders when I learned about some theories and principles about wonder, curiosity, the desire and aspiration that was instilled by God
I wondered about the things I wonder about as a kid and as an adult after I learned about so many fascinating theories and principles of teaching and learning
I wonder, and keep wondering
My sense of wonder has changed in my 30's because of my faith and my profession
I wonder,
I wondered about so many things, related to faith or profession
I wondered and wondered
I wonder what would have happened if all people becoming a believe, believe in God and his principle?
I wonder what would happen if all people believed in Jesus, and his words?
I wonder what the world will look like if people believe we are all the children of God that is created with his own image?
I wonder,
I wonder what happen if people believe in each other's story and experiences.
I wonder what happen if people believe in you, in your story, in your feelings, in your experiences, in your knowledge and understanding.
I wonder what would happen if we believed in each other's story, knowledge, experiences, dreams, and aspirations.
I wonder,
I wonder what the world would look like when we believe in each other's story.
I wonder what the world would look like, if people love and respect each other regardless of all the differences came because of endless social constructions?
I wonder what the world looks like if we all know that we are unique and created fearfully and wonderfully?
I wonder what the world would look like if we all know that God has given us all the talent and the knowledge, we need to serve him and others with these gifts?
I wonder what would happen we all become strong and courageous, not afraid and doubt?
I wonder what would happen if we became open and honest to ourselves and to each other as people
I wonder what would happen if we became believers, become positive and optimistic than negative and pessimist.
I wonder, I wonder,
I wonder what the world would be like if we all know God has a plan, specific plan for us all?
I wonder what life will look like if we know God has given us a ministry and a mission we need to accomplish before we leave this earthly life.
I wonder what would happen at the end when we walk our walk with God all the way, I wonder
I wonder, I wonder
I wonder what would happen if people began thinking right and straight all the time?
I wonder what the world would look like, if people have compassion, respect, and love for each other?
I wonder what the world looks like we come together to talk and discuss about real issue that matter to us and to others we car.
I wonder what the world would look like if we come together to discuss, to plan, and to find solution to these problems, rather than undermining and destroying each other in virtual life, or social media. I wonder?
I wonder what life would be if people are honest, truthful to themselves and others, rather than assuming?
I wonder why God has given us a ministry, and a mission? I wonder why?
I wonder what the world would be if people take some responsibility to bring some changes on things that they believe should change instead of talking about the problem?
I wondered what the world would look life if all children and youth have access to resources, materials tools, and the support they need to satisfier their wonder and curiosity.
I wonder, I really wonder.
I wonder what the world would look like if we are willing to share what we have, help others without any expectation or other intensions?
I wonder
I really wonder
I wonder, and I would keep wondering?
These are some of the thoughts that filled my mind and my heart in most of my 30’s
I wonder what my real life would look like?
I wonder about the family God would give me?
I wonder,
I wonder about the community and the world we are living?
I wonder about what the ministry and the mission God has given me?
I wonder what our community, and the world look like if we all become believers of the word of God
I wonder what the world would look like if we began ministering and serving others with what we are given?
I wonder what the world would look like if we become compassionate, hardworking, dedicated, responsible?
I wonder what the world will look like if people avoid the idea of deficit ideology by understanding the immense potential and possibilities?
I wonder, and keep wondering about so many things
I wonder, above all I wonder about life after this life?
I wonder what will happen at the end. I wonder what happen when Jesus comes back at the end?
I wonder because I believe.
I believe in Jesus and his word.
I wonder?
I wonder what you are wondering about?
I wonder to know?