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It is the Lord's purpose that prevails

I bless the name of Jesus for all his goodness, his mercies, his love and his long suffering for me. I know he has been good to me though I was passing through some tough and challenging situation. I trust him that he is able to hold my hand, keep me from falling. I know he is able to encourage my heart and be with though I was passing through the valleys of the shadow of death.David said I shall fear no evil for you are with me. He said thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. I believe the mercies and the love of Jesus will comfort me and keep me until the end.

I know from where he brought me, and I know where he is taking me. I know whom I have believed in him, in his words, his instructions, and the promises he made. I know he is faithful to fulfil all his promises as long as we have faith in him and as long as we trust him,. He would do it as long as we trust in him and keep trusting him knowing that he is able to do what he said he would do. Only trust in him, do what you are able to do and leave the rest for him. Jesus knows everything for he is omnipresent and omnipotent God. He knows our struggles and the challenges we face each days. He sometimes he would allow all these challenges to come, but he would also give us the way to escape from these challenges. He would provide us the way to escape as long as we trust him.

He knows the desires of our hearts for he created our hearts. He knows what is wrong in our hearts, and he knows what is right in our hearts. The only thing we have to do is to come to him and tell him all our problems and challenges for it is him who said come unto me you heavy laden and I will give you rest. He said, he is lowly and meek in his heart and learn from him. He want us to come to him and learn from him then he would give us rest.

He is a faithful God if we come to him honest and sincere for he is a God want to know us . He want us to come to him, and pray to him, share him our feelings , and our problems. He want want to hear from us, he want to help us , encourage and heal our heart. He is a God who created it.

Now, I am coming to you Jesus with all my troubles, and with all my questions. Lord I need your help, I want you to give me courage, strength for I know you are a God who gives strength to the weak, and power to those who is powerless. Jesus you know that I am in serious trouble for many who I believe would understand and help me failed me. I learn most of the things I depend upon left me. I planed, and I though many thoughts I thought is wonderful and pleasing, but seems non of them are coming to pass. I know was not doing a random thing without knowing what I was doing, rather I was doing things with some convenient reasons. I know one thing if we have a reason, a clear and convenient reason behind what we do, sooner or latter we would find success.

I know I have been working on some things in the last few years, my career, my project, my platform to express myself. I know I have been working through in the last few years . However, I suddenly realise that most of the things I work so hard building has been falling apart. I know some how I am disapointed, and somehow frustrated, discouraged, but I am greatful I am realising something big in the process. I am learning to depend on Jesus , him alone for everything I do, aspire , and dream to have or accomplish. It is a sudden realisation, but I am convinced that I should only depend on Jesus in nothing else.

I am learning you are my only hope, my strength, my shield. Lord I know you are my knowledge, my wisdom, and my hope, Only in you I depend. I will not ever depend in others, or my own wisdom, and understanding , and power, but I will only depend knowing that you are a God who implement justice and truth in the earth. I will depend on your word, only on your work I will depend. I will depend on your love and mercy, only in these I will depend. Help me lord, strength my heart, guide and direct my heart in to rightousness for I know that is the only thing will remain. Help me lord to keep my heart deligient for I know it is from the heart all the issues of life come out. Lord help me for only in you I depend.

This is what I would pray through the course of time to reveal his purpose in everything I do, aspire , dream to have. I am asking you Lord Jesus to reveal to me your purpose. I know the scripture is true for it was written "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21 . Lord I pray reveal thy purpose to me for I know I have a lot in my heart.


209 Talbot Avenue, Winnipeg MB




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