God has a way when there seems there is no way
This is what the word of God says ,"Thus saith the Lord, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters;"
The truth is we are in a journey heading to get to our destination, to the place where we want to be in this life. In fact not only in this life in the life we believe is there once this life ends. It is true we are in a journey travelling to our destiny.
The truth is this journey is long, sometimes tough too for we might end up passing through various avenues. We might end up passing through some rough roads where we need to be careful in our walk to make it to the next stage of our journey. We might end up passing through some hills and some vallies where we need to be careful not to get tiered. Me might face some sharp curves , turns where we need to be focused not to lose our balance and fall. This is the truth and the realities of this Journey.
This Journey is long one , and it requires patience , faith , determination in each steps, Faith is the ingredient , it is a substance that makes us walk the walks in this journey. We essentially began this Journey with faith and faith is the only substance that would maintain it, sustain it and guide it. Faith essentially is a substance of things that is hopped for , and the evidence of things that is not seen as It was indicated in the book of Hebrews chapter 11:1. This faith comes through faith , and this hearing is from the word of the lord as it was indicated in the book of Romans chapter 10:17.
Though faith is the main substance of it, it requires trust, determination, dedication , and focus . It requires all these ingredient supported by choice and dicision. The truth is we are all presented with choice and dicision in our path. We are presented with these choices day today, time to time , and seasons to seasons. We have make them, either it is right or wrong for we make these dicition based on choices . As I indicated we may get them wrong for we made a bad choice and off course we may get them right for we make good and right choices. The truth is these choices and dicisions have their own quensquences affecting the life we are living. The truth is we are living the life we are living because of the decision we made sometime before. We are responsible for them and we are the one who made all the choices and the dicisions.
At times would find these choices and dicisions very tough to make. The reason is simple we would find ourselves not in the right position to make these choices concisions. We often would find ourselves wandering lousing our direction, lousing our path, focus. We would find ourselves hungry and thirsty. We would find ourselves walking in desert without food or water. We would find ourselves lost and confused, frustrated. Therfore, making these choices and dicisions would be difficult for we are not in a position to make the right ones.
That is in fact the time we need the help of God. We need to seek his face for strengethe, for guidance , for wisedom. That is the time, in fact the right time we need to turn to God for he has an answer for all our questions. We need to come to him, we need to seek his face , we need to cry to him for help. We need to come to his presence with thanksgiving and praise in our heart for he has an answer for all our questions. We need trust God in all our heart for he has an answer for us for it was written trust in the lord in all they heart and don't lean on in his own understanding , but to acknowledge him in all our way and he shall direct our path. Proverbs 3: 5.
That is when trust and faith comes in. We need to have faith in God and we have to trust and obey him without murmuring. It is true as we learn above, we began our Journey through faith. Therfore, he has our life. He Hold our life in his hand. We have to trust in him knowing he has our life in his had and the life of all in his hand. Therefore, the only thing we have to do is to trust him in all our ways, not just one time, but all the time. We have to trust him in all our ways as the word encouraged us.
I know his word for he has taught me a lot and he has brought me thus far. Therefore, I need to trust him and continue holding him until he fulfilled his promises.
Honestly, there are times where it seems there is no way when we think of a way out from our troubles and challenges. There are times we would find ourselves in a tough situation passing in our way. The truth is God has a plan for us according to his word, a plan of hope and prosperity not a plan of evil. So, the only thing we can do is to trust in the lord and do good , and dwell in the land for in due time he shall bring forth your fruit. The only thing is be encouraged , be provoked to do good. there are people who would discouradged you from doing what you are doing trusting God. God would reward you for all the good work you have done in due time. Know that God is not unjust to forget the good work you have shown to his people.
Therefore, we need to trust God and his wonderful promises and continue working in the things we are working on. Eventually, In the due time he shall fulfil all what he said would do in his word. We need to learn to trust in God and only in him we should depend in all our search for answer for our questions. We need to learn to become more spiritual , become more sensitive to hear the voice of the lord . The more we learn to hear the voice of the lord, the more we trust him , we would find all the answers to all our questions.
The truth is the enemy of our soul Setan would bring all the challenges, would try to discourage you , but we have to remember God is true, his word is true. No, one , and nothing should take the word of God from us. No one, and nothing should take the word of God from us. Therefore , we need to hold the word of God close to us to stand and overcome the things that comes in our way. There is one thing is true in all these things , the word of God is true, his word settles in heaven. We need to trust it, depend on it for it opens a way when there seems there is no way. Praise God!