Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Bless the name of Jesus for all his goodness and for his mercies, for his love and long suffering. I bless his name and I would say I love him for first loved me. Yes, I know Jesus loves me for the bible tells me so. He loved me so much so that he gave himslef to me. Therefor, I can say the life I am living now is life that I live by faith in Jesus Christ. I live by faith that I have in Jesus because he lives. I know he holds tomorrow, i know he hold my future. I know he holds my hand and would lead me to the place where I should be for he is my God and my creator.
I know he created me with plans and purpose in his mind. I know he created me with purpose for my life for it was written i know the plan that I have for you it is a plan of hope and prosperity. I thank you Jesus and I am willing to trust you and go with you in all the ways I know you will never leave me neither forsaken me as it was written in Deuteronomy 31 :8 and many other places.
I know the whole story of me and God started through faith. I know faith is a substance of things that is hoped for and the evidence of things that is not seen. That is what is testified for the elders, the heaven and the earth are made by the word of the lord and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth. There are many people considered the father of faith in the bible and their names and their did are recorded in the bible. The whole story of people in this earth and God started with faith. Abraham was the first person and he is considered to us as a father of faith. The only reason why God testify of him as a father of faith because he trust God when God spoke to him. God spoke to him and told him to leave all his families, his households and his country and go to the place where he want him to go. The bible Testify of Abraham's faith saying, Abraham trusted God and counted for him as riotousness.
It was evident Abraham passed through different avenues of life After he left his country and his families. He passed through the wilderness and through the darkness without being blessed, without the promise of God being fulfilled. In all these tough times Abraham never question the promises of God. It was written that he endured some tough situations, he passes through some tough avenues along the line. Even we could see how he was tempted to go to Egypt. We could see him lying about his wife saying she was his sister. We could see all the temptations, the challenges he faced along the line. We even could see how he was forced by his own wife to go and have a child from Heggar. This is a tempetaion he faced along the life through he received great and wonderful promises.
Faith is the only substance that link us with God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. In fact those who come to God must believe God is a rewarder of those who seeks him diligently. We have to believe that all the promises of God are true and therefore, we need to believe his and keep waiting for the fulfilment of his promises. It is not just sit and wait we need to seek him, we need to seek for his grace, strength , his wisdom that will take us to his promises. He promised to give us everlasting life at the end, he also promise he would bless us. He promised to bless us , and to make us head not tails . He promised to give us life , and life abundantly. What it takes is faith, what it takes is faith , and determination, what is takes is faith and obedience to be there at the place where he want us to be. We need to have faith and believe him and do what he asks us to do to be there ate the place where he wants us to be. He that gives you the promise is faithful.