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To behold the beauty of the Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord for all his goodness and for his mercies and for his love. I thank him for the life he has given me, which I am grateful about. I am grateful for the hope of salvation.

I thank him for the mountain and I thank him for the valise. I thank him for all the things he has done for me and for the things he hasn’t done yet. I know he is the only wise God for he knows my heart. He created my heart and he knows it well. Therefore, he is taking time to make it, to make it right, to make it clear.

David prayed a prayer and express the one thing he desired of the Lord. That desire is to be in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. He has that strong desires and that is why we would find him often asking God to teach him his way. We would find David often pray a prayer that reflect God is his only hope, his light and his salivation , his strength , and his shield.

When he pray the prayer saying there is one thing have I desired of the Lord, I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life .Then he said to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of trouble he shall hid me in his pavilion. What was the very reason David wants to dwell in the house of the Lord, because he want to see the beauty of the Lord. He want to see the beauty of the Lord. God created everything beautiful first before the enemy Satan spoiled the plan of God. However, God determined to make everything new again. He prepared a way for all to become new. This what the scripture says how things would become new. It was written if anyone who is in Christ Jesus he is a new creation, behold the old thing is passed away, and become new. Jesus is the one that makes all new, and beautiful. He make beautiful thing, he make beautiful thing out of nothing. So, David was praying to God to grant him the desire of his heart, which is to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. Why he want to dwell in the house of the Lord, to behold the beauty of the Lord.

God make beautiful thing. He make beautiful thing for the broken hearted people. He would make a beautiful things from the lost, confused and left out and ignored people. He would make all new and beautiful. He gives beautiful gift for all who trust and wait for you faithfully. Let continue to pray a prayer desiring to be in the house of the Lord all the days of our life to behold the beauty of the Lord.

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