The Lord will take me up

Blessed be the name of the Lord for all his goodness and for his mercies, and for his love. I thank him for life he has given me, and for the hope I have in him.
Blessed be to his name, where would I be if it was not God? Where would I be at this moment in my life if it was not God? I know for sure it is his great mercies and his unfailing love kept me. It is only his mercy and his love kept me. It is his love that made me to to go day by today. I know there is nothing of my own good work, or righteousness that would make me to stand. I acknowledge him as my God, my saviour , my defender and protector.
The truth is many times we would find ourselves depending on people around us. We think these are the people who love us, defend us, protect us, care and encourage us. Many times we would find ourselves completely attached with them, thinking they would provide us all the things we need to live our life. We think we would not be happy and complete without them. Therefore, we spend most of our time trying to convince people , or seeking for acceptance.
Off course our life will not be complete without them for these people came to our life a reason. They come either to teach us lesson, or to become a blessing for us. The same people who became a blessing for us at one time become a person who teaches us lessons. The same is true and vice versa for think we love and care for them, we think we protect, and defend them when they need us.
The truth is we often find ourselves short of all these things love, care, compassion. The truth is we all fail short the grace of God. We all fail short of the knowledge and the grace of God we need to do what he requires us to do. As a result, we would find ourselves let down by others, by our own families, close friends, people we are attached to.
The good thing is God would be there to pick us up. He would be there to pick us up, and encourage us, mend and bind our wounds, and scars. God is always be there to take us up. That is what David, the writer of psalms recognize and declare saying, “when my mother and my father forsake me then the Lord will take me up” Praise God for his word for he is the only true God and everlasting life. He always speak the truth in his word. How many times we find ourselves let down, mistreated, lied about, falsely accused, betrayed by others. The good thing is God would find a way to encourage us, defend us, give us the strength we needed to raise up. God would always find a way to provide a helping hand, an encouragement we needed to raise God. We must know if we wait up on the lord, ask him for help when we need him, he would always come and take us up. Blessed be to the name of the Lord.