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God is our healer

Praise God for his goodness and for his mercies, and his love. I am grateful to God for giving me a grace to live on this day. I am grateful for his love and compassion on me. I am grateful for all his wonderful promises.

That is why I would come to his court to give him all the praise, the glory and the honour he deserve. He deserve my praise, my appreciation , and worship for he is my God.

I know at times we would find the path we are passing through could be challenging for it has all the ups and downs. It could be challenging for we need to pass through some valleis and some mountains. When may need to pass through some though, difficult and challenges experiences.

When we find ourselves passing through this path in our walk, the only thing we could do to keep walking trusting God and his words. The only thing we could do is to keep pressing, and going forward trusting the promises of God. The truth is God will never tempt us in bad. He would only test us to know whether we love him or not, he would test us whether we keep his commandment and statues or not. Temptation to fail us only come from the enemy of our soul, the devil. Temptation could only come from the world and from the flesh. These are the temptation we would face each day, or time to time.

We need to seek the face of God to get grace that would help us pass the temptations that comes. We need wisdom, and his word that would help us overcome these temptations comes and go day to day. Temptation could come to force us take off our eyes from God. It could come in a form of sickness, it could come in the form of tiredness, confusion. In whatever form the temptation comes we need to trust God and wait for him for he is the one who gives us strength to overcome all the temptations. God is our healer for he promised to heal our body, mind and soul. He promised to heal our body and gives us strength and peace!

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