Jesus is the King of King

Blessed be the name of Jesus for all his goodness and for his mercies and for his great love. I am grateful to God for giving me this life, it is a life that I live by faith in Christ Jesus. I love him so much and would do anything to please him, not to please people.
I know he is my light and my salivation, my strength, and my hope. He is the Lord of Lord and the king of Kings. He is the alpha and omega. He is the beginning and the ending. He is the one who was is and going to come.
We have read and heard about the kingdoms and the kings in this earth. These kings are rich and privileged. They have a lot people under their command, people who serve them. They would send soldiers to war to fight for their kingdoms. They would send people to various duties.
However, Jesus who is a king, in fact the king of king came to serve us, to teach us, show us the way, eventually died for us. He died for us, he died to take away our sins and death that was pronounced upon us. Jesus died for us so that we can live with him in eternity. That is why we need to recognise his as a king of king, a lord of lord. We need to recognise him as our saviour, as our God, and as our king.