Lord your word is the lump for my feet and a light for my path
Blessed be the name of Jesus for all his goodness and for his mercies and for his love . I praise him in the morning , I will praise him in the noon time and I will praise him when the sun goes down for he is good.
I would come to his court with thanksgiving and praise in my heart for I know he is a merciful and a just God.
He is the God of the heaven and the earth. he is a God of the universe who hold everything in his hand. He is a God who is able to exceedingly and abundantly more that what we ask for as it was written.
That is why I would come to him court with thanksgiving and praise in my heart. That is why I would come to him to to seek his face for he promised we would find him if we seek him. That is why I would come to him knowing this is the day he has made for his own purpose .
One thing I know and learn he is a faithful God. He is faithful to his word if we trust him , and his words. I know he is a God who knows us by name , he is the God who hold our hand when we need him, he is a God who provide us great provisions. He is the only one who would say I love you and gave myself to you, he is the one who would say I know you by your name you are mine. He is the one who would say , I will never leave you neither forsake you. He is the one who would say I will come back again to take you to where I am.
How does he do all he said he would do? We need to have faith in him , and his word for it is written without faith it is impossible tp please God as it was written. It was also written that those who come to God must believe that God is a rewarder of those who seeks him diligently . Hebrew 11:6. That means we need to have faith in him, mean in his word. What is faith? it is a substance of things that is hoped for and the evidence of things that is not seen as it was written the book of Hebrew chapter 11. Faith is a substance of things that is hoped for and the evidence of things that is not seen. The writer of the same book continue saying, and he said through faith we understand the heaven and the earth is framed by the word of God.
Therefore, faith is the only substance that will help us reach God, connect with God, have access to what God has for us. We need to have faith in him, not only that we need to trust him, and continue trusting him.
It is written faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of the lord. That means we need to read, learn, believe in the word of God, and build our faith in the word of God.
I was thinking about many things that came to my mind. I was thinking and contemplating about the thoughts came to my mind. Then , this word remain and became a theme of my thoughts. It is a word spoken by David, the writer of most of Psalms. . He said , " Lord your word is a lump for my feet and a light for my path ." Psalms 119:105. I said, that is right. The more I thought about it further, I am persuaded and said what he said, " Lord your word is a lump for our feet and a light for our path.
I know the word of God is true and it remains true no matter what happened . This is the truth and the fact I have learned through the years.
The word of God is a light that shines in the darkness . It is It is true we are living in a time we could see many things . We are living a time that things are changing constantly, and instantly. We are living in the world that is filled with all forms of spiritual darkness. We are living in the world that is full of changes , troubles. Therefore , we need to have faith in God, and in his word. We need to learn to trust in God , and his words. We need to learn to trust, rely, and depend on God and his word.
Thought time change, situation and anything change, the only thing that remain the same is the word of God. The word of God is the only thing remain the same for God says he is the God who changes not. The good thing is when we have faith in God , and his word , when we trust God and his word , his word could be a light for us . When we trust God and his word , he would guide us , enlighten our darkness, correct us , and guide us into the way of righteousness. The word of God has all what we need, commandment, instruction, guidelines , provisions and wonderful promises. The word of God has all what we need in this life , and the life to come , all what we have to do is to have faith in him, to trust him, and keep on trusting him for it would become a lump for our feet and a light for our path.
Let us have faith in God , and his word, let us trust God and his word for his word is a lump for our feet and the light for our path as it was written. May God bless!