He send his word and he healed them
Praise God for his words and all that is in his words. I thank him for life and the hope I have in him. This is the word came to my mind while I was thinking and contemplating o the things of God. It is written, " He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Psalms 107:20. I said, Yes, Lord your word is true .
The fact and the truth is we often find ourselves going away from the way of God . This often happened because we find a way that seems right or we find our own way that seems right. Even sometimes we find the enemy of our soul , Satan would bring all kinds of troubles and temptation in our ways to take us away from the way of God. Whatever the case could be we often would find walking in the way tat is not right, and that is when God would send a word to change us , to heal us, to convince us to return to him.
God has only one way to teach us , to heal us , to guide us , and lead us his word. That is why David declare saying, " Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105. That means God only his words to guide and lead us to the place where he want us to be.
Throughout the bible we would see how God guided and lead his people. It was God guided and lead his people, the Israelite using his words. Using his word he would give us instruction , commandments , rules and regulations that would govern them. Using his words, he would give them principles that would guide their steps. Using his word he would give them promise that would give them hope in going forward.
Glory to God for his words and to all that is in his words. He is a God who works through his word . His words is powerful ,his word is true and it settled in heaven it was written " Lord thy word settled in heaven "Psalms 119:89. I went to church holding all my thoughts, all my challenges , troubles within me as well as my faith, my hope . I know I have been working so hard and do all what I could to accomplish the work that God has given me. I know I am committed and dedicated to accomplish what I have started. I thank God for his grace for I was able to accomplish more than what I expected. Though all these good things are happening the enemy is troubling me in many ways . He puts me in troubles and trying to take me away from the way of God. However , God has been good and gracious to me for he always stood to defend me from all kinds of Satan accusation . I know Jesus has been so good to me for he defended me ,protected and supported me in all my weaknesses . I will always go to him with heavy heart , but he always find a word to encourage me, give me to go forward. This is what I learned today coming to the church. He thought us about confession , repentance and the fruit of repentance . This teaching was the best teaching I ever get in relation to repentance . I loved the teaching of repentance for I know I am not consumed because of his mercy . I know I am alive only because of his great mercies and love . Therefore, I always love the teaching of repentance . Repentance Is what brought us to God . It is the only was we were able to reconcile with God . Repentance Is the only thing that sustained our life . I heard God speaking in the topic of repentance many times ,but this one is the best and more appealing and practical . The teacher thought us there are three stages in the process of actual repentance and the fruit of repentance . He thought the in a very simples, yet powerful way. He indicated that the first stage is confession ,which simply means confessing all the sins we do to God. He indicated at this stage we need to recall our sins and acknowledge our sins and tell God exactly what happened . When we do that God would hear what we said . Then comes the next stage , which is repentance . That means asking God for forgiveness. At this stage we are simply asking God to forgive our sins and have mercy upon us by acknowledging our sins. Then we are asking him to ignor our sins and promises him we would not do it any more . The last stage of repentance is producing the fruit of repentance , which is the last stage that gives us confirmation that we have a change of life. Producing the fruit of repentance is the key to all our confession and repentance for that would show we want to change our way and return to the way of God . This is the stage that is reflected by change of way of life , attitude , and other things to really change. Blessed be the name of the Lord for his goodness and for his mercies for he always send his word and would heal us for he knows where we are and what we need in our walk with him . It is a blessing to receive the word of God for his word has a power to change our life . He would change our life through the process of confession , repentance and by producing the fruit of repentance . Blessed be the name of Jesus for his goodness and for his mercies , Amen!