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Jesus know how to save

Blessed be the name of the Lord for all his goodness, for his mercies and for his love. I thank him for life and for all what he has for me in this life and for the life to come. I live by the hope I have in him.

This is what came to my mind while I was contemplating the mercies and the goodness of the lord. The lord is good to those who trust, seek and wait upon him for the scripture teaches us saying " Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. " 1 Chronicle 16:10.

I learned the Lord know that we are youth and needy . He knows that we are helpless creature that we can't do anything without him. That is why he shows his great mercies and compassion toward us. He knows that we are youth with a lots of desires and ambition within. He knows that we have a lots of temptations and challenges comes from within and from outside. The Lord knows we are youth, he knows us from inside out for he knows our thoughts, and plans, our desires. He knows us all, all our dreams and aspirations.

He knows our failures and my mistakes , he knows all the goods and the bads. He knows our ignorance and our sins, but always shows compassion toward us.

He is the God of the Universe . He is the God who knows all his children and the path they would go. He is a God who always watching over them for he made a promises saying, " I have written thy name in the palm of my hand" It was written he even knows the number of our hairs. Luke 12:7.

Jesus knows all about us, our desires and aspirations , our failures and sins and our strength and sleekness . He knows us all, and he know how to save us. Not only how to save us, but also how to keep and lead us . He knows how to save us , and keep us in the path of life . He knows us for we are his children and he would always be there to encourage us in the path of life . He knows we are youth and the path we are traveling . He knows at times we feel weak , and helpless . He knows we face challenges . He knows we face many tough situation In the path of life , but he has compassion toward us and he would say be strong and be courageous . He would encourage us I am there for us. He knows how to save us for he would say" don't be afraid or dismayed for I am your God" . He knows how to save us for he says, " Let your heart not be troubled trust in me in , and trust also in my father. He is the one who said, In my fathers house there are many mansion , and i go to prepare a place for you for at the place where i am you will also be. he would say I will come again to take you to where I am. "

He knows us , he knows that we are youth. he know how to save us. He would always come and encourage us , give us all the things we needed. He is always there to love us, to give us the strength and the faith we need. He knows what we need him for for he has what we need from him. He knows us, he knows we are youth. He knows how to save us , not only how to save us , but also how to keep us.

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