What a great night

The moment I heard the former U.S president Barack Obama was coming to Winnipeg, I thought I want to attend this event. Then time passed by and the organiser announced the ticket sell, I believe a month before the event. This event, Conversation with Obama , was organised by Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. I think it was an event anyone want to attend.
Obviously, I wanted to hear what would Barack, one of the most influential leader of our time to say. We all know that he was a great leader and inspired millions of people , young and old, black and white , with his inspiring speeches , and acts of humanity.
This is what happened when the event was approaching. Initially, I tried to buy tickets when the organiser release ticket sell for the public. I cheeked the price It was fair, I said I want to buy now but then I thought I would buy when the day is closer. Time passed by , and I realised lately that the day of the event was approaching. Then, I checked the ticket again. I found out that the ticket was way expressive than I thought.
I didn't know what to do for I didn't have enough cash by the time I wanted to buy the ticket. It was a bit expensive at the time I wanted to buy the ticket. However, I believed things will work out and I would be able to attend the event. The good thing is it did, things worked out. I received some money that I was not even expecting to come. The surprising this is, literally it is the money that I need to buy the ticket. Closer to the exact amount, not less , not much , just the right amount.
I am grateful for I was able to attend this wonderful event organised at the Bell MTS place in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was a great evening for many people came to attend this event. It was great to hear from the former U.S president Barack speaking. It was good to see him from a close range. This is what I thought after listening to him, he is very relatable person, off course he has extensive knowledge and experience about topics that interest young people. I had a wonderful time!